Thursday, December 17, 2009

You Bought Books From Monkey Poo?

When you buy a book from a guy named munky_poo, don't be surprised if things turn out poorly.

Note this feedback:

1 out of 5: "Received a defective DVD-it crashed the DVD player on my brand-new laptop! Product described as in "good" condition, the DVD is full of visible scratches and is unplayable. DVD had no cover art and came in a case full of food stains. "
Date: September 1, 2009     Rated by Buyer: Nina M.

Nina, I hate to say it, but those probably aren't *food* stains.
One "No Cookie" goes out to Nina for buying from a seller named after the stool of a simian primate.
Two "No Cookies" go out to munky_poo; one for a poor choice in store names and a second for getting his monkey poo on the DVD case he sold.

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